Abdun's Website - Message from the Author
Hi ! and Assalamualaikum. First of all, thank you for visiting my site.I hope you'll find something useful here. And thank you also for taking your time to read this short message.
- The main purpose for creating this website, as I said was to share my travelling experiences. I really enjoy travel. If only there were a company who was willing to pay me a good salary just to travel and document them, I would have taken it.
- While in Europe, I enjoyed my experiences every second of the day. I got to meet new places, new faces and new insights. I documented my journey everyday. Part of the journal is presented here. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
- I am also planning to create a new page. This page is designed to gather all your travelling opinions on any parts of the world (except for Israel, Yugoslavia and Russia). Please go to my Discussion Room to find out more. I really hope we can share our travelling experinces together, be it good or bad.
- Another thing that I love to do during my free time is to watch movies. I was thinking, why not I review some of them and include them in my site? I would be more than grateful if you can give me feedback on the reviews (in fact on anything) whether we have the same wavelength or not.
- To keep you coming back to this site, I have included some interesting and useful links. The two things that I hope you will appreciate the most are the e-mail service and the search engine. You get more than you bargain for by registering under my e-mail. Every week, you can enter interesting contest and win fabulous prizes. While for the search engine, it combines more than 5 top search engines at once. This can give you more accurate results on your search.
- At the same time why don't you surf other links too; from news to shopping and you can even listen to the radio, you'll have more reasons to come back.
Last by no means least, if by any chance we have known each other before (even if just by face) and are currently not in touch, I will be more than happy to hear from you.
Thank You Again.
Yours truly,
Abdun Nizar Ahmad